I love natural food supplements. My family has been taking this certain brand of gapeseed extract (I will not tell you the brand name, unless they will choose me as their celebrity endorser ;-> he he he). So, what does grapeseed extract do?! Here are some of its benefits:
Ø Antioxidant
Ø More potent that vitamin C and vitamin E
Ø Improves vascular strength
Ø Improves blood circulation
Ø Promotes eye health
Ø Promotes healing
Ø It aids in the production of collagen that helps our skin healthy; and many more!!!
There are also studies that show that grapeseed extract is safe and effective in reducing hyperpigmentation.
Many commercial products like health drinks have been incorporating natural ingredients as one of their active ingredients right now. Health and wellness is now the next trillion dollar business for business people. That is why these people, as far as I know, are giving a lot of effort (and budget) for the R&D of their wellness products.